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How to hack Spanish

How many ways can you express an opinion? These small sentence structures can make all the difference...


How to make Shakespeare make sense

The language can seem inaccessible and alienating and the huge themes tackled at first are totally incomprehensible. However, there are a few techniques you can use which will open up an entirely new world of Shakespeare, and in the long run enhance your exam answer.

Books + Planners

Short-Term Planner

Does this goal scare you? Like a mountain climber staring up at the summit, it is easy to get demotivatoed by our goals. Here's how to make it more manageable.


Top 10 English Tips

Top 10 do's and don'ts for succeeding in English


Top 17 Apps a student shouldn't live without

Our top picks for apps that help make study life easier!


Command words: "analyse" "assess" "evaluate"...

Can you distinguish between 'compare' &' contrast'? Can you analyse the words 'evaluate' and 'assess'. Command words matter - make sure you know them!


Are You Using Colour In Your Notes?

Do you only use black and blue ink when making your notes? We recommend you start using colour in your notes. Find out why in the video above.


5 Biggest Exam Preparation Mistakes

In this video, we have a look at the top 5 mistakes that students make leading up to exams. Once you realise what NOT to do, you'll know what the top students actually do when it comes to their exams. 


4 Tips For Effective Note-Taking

Think taking notes aren't THAT important? Think again! Effective note-taking can significantly increase your marks. Here's how. 


Managing Exam and Assignment Deadlines

Struggling with managing your exam and assignment deadlines? When we have a lot of work, it can feel like a mountain in front of us. Here's how to climb that mountain. 


How To Stay Calm In The Exam Room

Stress can be a good thing, we actually need stress. However, too much stress can cloud the mind and shut all doors in your brain - especially during your exam. Avoid this by managing your stress in the exam room. Here's how. 


4 Reasons For Procrastination & How To Fix It

One of the biggest problems students face when preparing for their exams is the struggle of procrastinantion. The only way to beat procrastination is to understand why you're doing it. Here are 4 reasons why you might be doing it and how to fix it. 


5 most common exam mistakes!

Have you made these common errors?


Lucy's top 10 memory hacks

If what you’re looking for instead is ways to memorise information that takes as little time as possible, but which results in a high percentage of retention, then you’ve come to the right place.


How smart do you have to be?

How smart do you have to be to get top marks?


Practice does NOT make perfect

“If you have bad technique and you shoot a basketball a thousand times, all you are going to get good at, is shooting really badly.” – Michael Jordan  

Books + Planners

Study Timetable

Books + Planners

FREE eBook: Science of Student Success

Elevate Education's best selling study guide, 'The Science of Student Success' has sold over 10,000 copies. Get yours free here!



Be different. 


Releasing stress

Feeling stressed out? Check out this video to see how to keep stress manageable. 


Dissolve stress with this simple technique

Stressed? See how James uses a simple breathing technique to relieve stress. 


Mindset = Marks

Everyone: "I can't do maths".  The Truth: "You can't do maths...yet."   


Are you making this productivity mistake?

How do you measure your productivity? Are you the sort of person who tells your friends, "man, i studied for 3 hours last night?"

Books + Planners

The Bulletproof Booklet

How do you know you're ready for exams? Have you covered everything? Using the bulletproof booklet will ensure that you walk into the exam knowing that you're ready and prepared for anything. 


Are you getting enough sleep?

Losing sleep in the lead up to exams can be more harmful to your marks than you think...