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4 Tips For Effective Note-Taking

Think taking notes aren't THAT important? Think again! Effective note-taking can significantly increase your marks. Here's how. 


Students Are Like Gaming Consoles

Students are like gaming consoles. Which one are you? 


How To Create A Study Group (That Actually Works!)

Most students avoid creating study groups because they feel like it never works. We can help with a few tips as to how to create one that actually works. It's going to save you heaps of time, so listen up!


Avoid Using An Exercise Book

Most students make their notes using an exercise book. There is actually a more effective way to store your notes, and it can impact how well you remember your work. Find out why in this video.


Are Your Goals S.M.A.R.T?

Are your goals S.M.A.R.T? Let's find out. 


The Science Of Procrastination

What if we told you that procrastination is pure maths? You probably won’t believe us, but it truly is as simple as an equation.